My new toy! Livescribe Pen

Written on 22:14 by Unknown

So Santa was kind this year and I got something I've looked at for a while. I've seen many uses for the Livescribe Pen and I intend to keep you posted on my progress with it over the year.

The Livescribe is a digital pen that writes in ink but records everything you write digitally. This can then be downloaded onto your computer as a 'Pencast' or video replay of your writing. What's more it can also voice record as you write and with special dot paper. This can be taken one step further by instantly recalling the audio at the time of writing by simply putting your pen on the page.

It's taken me a while to get aquatinted and the set-up process is not the simplest but the range of features and available apps for the pen is in impressive. This will be of great benefit in meetings or to help prepare notes for presentations while there is potential to create diagrams that can be embedded into Powerpoints.

Watch this space for further updates as I let you know how it impacts my workflow.

Meanwhile check out the potential by seeing pen casts here.

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  1. Richard Nelson |

    Keep us up to date how you get on. I have failed to get into the habit of using it. More about me than the pen. The pen was great.

    Maybe I will make it one of my new years resolutions to start using it again.

  2. Unknown |

    I think it's one of those things that you don't realise you need it until you need it, if you know what I mean!? I've got some ideas so I will see how I get on. I love all the apps that you can add on and I think for a HE student it has many useful uses.


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